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Online Workshop for Yoga and Asymmetry with Marcia Monroe July 8th – 10th 2022

Marcia is teaching her Berlin Workshop for scoliosis and Iyengar Yoga again online this year.

„My teacher, B.K.S. Iyengar, said that compression leads to deformity. He gave us his brilliant system to uncover the veil of distortions and compressions through the practice of asanas, and the use of various props to provide extension and bring space to the compressive areas.“ (Yoga and Scoliosis.)

We are very happy to welcome Marcia Monroe from New York once again for an informative and inspiring workshop on Scoliosis. In her book: ‘Yoga and Scoliosis, a journey to health and healing’ Demos Medical Publishing 2012, she passes on her valuable insight and experience with practising Iyengar Yoga with this condition.

Marcia Monroe is a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher with strong ties to BKS Iyengar’s Institute in Pune, India. She teaches regularly at the New York Iyengar Yoga Institute as well as worldwide in workshops for scoliosis. In this workshop participants will gain experience in understanding the curves of their own body, and be shown the tools to work with them, in order to promote better posture, elongation, strength, stability, balance, focus and breath awareness.

The journey from asymmetry to symmetry is possible and the Iyengar system with its innovative use of props and variations of the classical poses offers the key for this method. working on scoliosis through yoga requires an openness to try to expand from within. the workshop is open for people with experience in Iyengar Yoga (at least 6 months), as well as teachers, and isn’t suitable for acute back problems and pathologies.

Times: Friday July 8th 7-9 pm, Saturday July 9th 2:30-5 pm, and Sunday July 10th 2:30-5 pm.
Kosten: 120 €

Enquiries: 0172 / 941 72 36